Amy Gray, Community Philanthropy Manager

Foundation Welcomes Gray in Community Philanthropy Role

The Initiative Foundation is pleased to announce that Amy Gray has joined the team as community philanthropy manager. Gray has an extensive background in nonprofit and community development work, mostly recently serving as executive director for Kinship Partners in Brainerd.

Gray succeeds Zach Tabatt, who in May was elevated to the role of vice president for economic opportunity. The Initiative Foundation hosts nearly 130 Partner Funds for families, businesses, nonprofits and volunteer-led groups. The funds allow donors to champion local causes while the Initiative Foundation provides the 501(c)(3) public charity infrastructure necessary for donor gifts to receive the highest possible charitable tax deduction.

Gray grew up in Brainerd and has spent much of her career working for nonprofits and in community development roles. In her community philanthropy role, she will support existing Partner Funds and build relationships to help more donors leave a legacy in Central Minnesota. In 2023, Initiative Foundation Partner Funds awarded about 600 grants across the region totaling $4.3 million.

“We are so excited to welcome Amy Gray to the Initiative Foundation team,” said Carl Newbanks, vice president for philanthropy. “Her creative and purposeful approach will be an incredible asset to the Initiative Foundation and its Partner Fund advisory teams.”

“I have long valued and admired the work of the Foundation, and I am excited to be working for an organization so committed to uplifting our region,” said Gray. “Plus, the organizational culture is amazing, so it’s a great place to work!”

Gray is inspired by everyday Central Minnesotans doing good work. She loves seeing people throughout the region recognize a need and respond to it. “It often doesn’t take a lot to make a real difference,” she said.